Japan day 1
this machine is here to weight our luggage. My luggage weighting : 12.9 kg When i came back was 17.9 Kg
Its always me sendin my mother off. Now, its my mother sendin me off
Sq 638, this is the plane i sat to Japan The BIG PLANE!!!
OMG, im entering the plane Sat in the middle of them
WAtched 2 movies: slumdog millionare(NICE!!) They got new release movies and loads of other movies He grew that himself Its -55 degree outside the plan O.O Flight plan.. they will tell u where on earth are u know FOOOood FOOOooood Wana see SUN RISE?
Tadah... it daylight alr, thanks greg for taking this, cos i was sleepin ZZzzz Cigarette vendin machine
Dan dan mian, the noodle very Q Double deck train Their seats got heater de wor My backside damn hot!!! Nice house
Im standin on the track. o.O Temple
Peepin.. see whether got any gals bathing in there?!
Cherry blossom
This drink is very the nice wor Jap This cabin is for ladies only!!!